Monday - Friday

P: (201) 670-3956
F: (201) 670-3959

1 Harding Plaza
Glen Rock

1 Harding Plaza Glen Rock
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (201) 670-3956

Rear Yard Garbage Pickup - North/West



Regular pick up twice a week from the rear yards. Please check the website for schedule changes due to holidays or inclement weather. Pick up service includes all waste,
animal, fish, fowl, fruit, and vegetable matter resulting from food consumption. 

NORTH/WEST (NW) Route: Monday & Thursday
SOUTH/EAST (SE) Route: Tuesday & Friday

  1. All material must be placed in a plastic bag in closed plastic or metal containers (no larger than 30 gallons) by 6:00 am on day of pick up.
  2. Animal waste should be placed in heavy plastic bags and disposed of weekly.
  3. Please advise the DPW (201-670-3980) if you change the location of your garbage containers.
  4. In the event of snow or ice, residents are required to shovel a path to the location of their garbage containers to provide for safe access, or your garbage may not be picked up.
  5. In the case of severe conditions, rear yard pick up may be changed to curbside pick up.

If your garbage pick up is missed, call the DPW at 201-670-3980 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..