Monday - Friday
P: (201) 670-3956
F: (201) 670-3959
1 Harding Plaza
Glen Rock
1 Harding Plaza Glen Rock
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (201) 670-3956
Residents are reminded that a clear path to your garbage cans must be shoveled in order for future garbage pickups to occur.
These are the steps for a successful cardboard curbside pickup, especially in predicted windy conditions:
- If it's a windy night put cardboard and paper out to the curb by 6:00 AM the day of pick up, not the night before.
- Flatten and tie cardboard together. Make manageable bundles for the crew to pick up.
- Put loose cardboard and paper in a barrel with a secure lid.
- If you are unable to comply with the above - don’t put the cardboard/paper out at the curb and bring it to the recycling center.
- If the weather conditions are such that the material has the potential to get scattered, keep it for the next pick up or bring it to the recycling center.
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