P: (201) 670-3956
F: (201) 670-3959
1 Harding Plaza
Glen Rock
1 Harding Plaza Glen Rock
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (201) 670-3956
Your governing body, the Mayor and Council, consists of a mayor and six council members elected at large. Two council members are elected each year for three-year terms and the Mayor is elected for four years. The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer for the Borough.
Glen Rock operates under the Mayor/Council form of government with the annual appointment of a full time professional borough administrator who is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough, responsible to the Mayor and Council.
The Mayor, appoints the Planning Board and with the advice and consent of the Council, all other Borough officials committees and boards of the Borough.
By statute, the Mayor and Council are charged with the complete responsibility of all municipal functions and operations as previously established and funded through appropriations in the annual budget.
Changes to Council Meeting Schedule in 2019
Beginning in 2019, Council Meetings are generally scheduled as follows:
Under the Open Public meetings Act, or "Sunshine Law," all meetings not advertised as closed to the public for certain prescribed purposes, are open to the public. Residents are urged to attend council meetings.
Jill Orlich, Council President
Phone: 201-670-3956
Amy Martin, Council Member
Phone: 201-670-3956
Mary Barchetto, Council Member
Phone: 201-670-3956
Chairperson, Division of Community Affairs
Chairperson, Division of Public Safety
Division of Revenue & Finance
Liaison to: Senior Advisory Committee, Glen Rock Pride Committee, Glen Rock Business Commission, & Glen Rock Senior Citizens Housing (Glen Courts)
Teresa Gilbreath, Council Member
Phone: 201-670-3956
Chairperson, Division of Revenue & Finance
Division of Community Affairs
Liaison to: Ridgewood Water, Board of Health, Friends of the Arboretum, & Community Relations Advocacy Network (CRAN)
Liasion to: Glen Rock TV