Glen Rock Refuses Plastic
![GRR logo horizontal]()
1. REFUSE Single-Use Plastic Bags:
- Use re-usable bags when you go shopping. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get 1-2 reusable bags:
![Red GUGR bag]()
![Blue GUGR bag]()
- Don’t put your plastic bags in the trash or in the recycling. Rather, collect your plastic bags and bring to the supermarket that recycles them (Stop and Shop, Shop-rite, Whole Foods…..)
- In Spring 2018 GREC coordinated a residents effort to recycle bags by participating to the “TREX plastic film and bag recycling challenge”: 500 pounds were collected and the borough will be rewarded with a bench made of recycled into plastic.
- In March 2019, GREC proposed the following SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BAG REDUCTION ORDINANCE, sponsored by Councilmember Kreibich to reduce our single-use bag consumption.
![plastic film collection challenge]()
2. REFUSE Plastic Bottles:
- Use refillable bottles instead.
CLICK HERE to watch GR Students Presented to the Council.
- Glen Rock Borough Hall is going “Plastic Bottle Free” !
Glen Rock was awarded a $2,000 grant from PSE&G and Sustainable Jersey. The funding was used to install a reverse osmosis filtration system in the council chambers conference room and a water bottle filling station for the 1st floor hallway. The GREC/Green Team Summer Interns created fliers illustrating the project and presented the results to the council in July 2018. Watch this short video!
- Glen Rock goes “Back to Tap”: several hydration stations have been installed at the Glen Rock schools, that allow students to easily refill their bottles with cooled, filtered water.
![2 students using hydration station]()
![Back to tap]()
3. REFUSE All Plastic
The 2018 Green Team Summer Interns worked to educate residents and business owners on the importance of REFUSING single use plastic materials. They focused on Plasti
c Straws, Plastic Bags, Plastic Bottles, and Styrofoam”. As part of this effort, the Summer interns organized a public screening of the movie “Plastic Ocean” on 7/31/2018 that attracted over 150 people.