Monday - Friday

P: (201) 670-3956
F: (201) 670-3959

1 Harding Plaza
Glen Rock

1 Harding Plaza Glen Rock
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (201) 670-3956

Street Banners

Effective February 2013 - Street banners are no longer permitted.

Electronic Sign Request
The Borough of Glen Rock is pleased to announce the addition of an electronic sign to the GRINS communications platform. Located on the Borough Hall campus adjacent to Rock Road, the electronic sign is used to communicate Borough news, alerts, and updates, as well as to advertise various events and activities sponsored by Glen Rock organizations.

The electronic sign offers a safer, more cost-effective, and easily updatable alternative to the banners across Rock Road, which will no longer be permitted. Glen Rock organizations seeking to advertise properly insured public events are welcome to contact Recreation Director at 201-670-3956 for further information. Organizations should note that use of the sign to advertise for-profit events is strictly limited to those raising money for non-profit organizations. Messages which meet these and other Borough requirements will run for at least one week (with the possibility of a second week) upon the completion of a registration form and a payment of $25 per week.

pdf Electronic Sign Reservation Form (202 KB)